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Dashboard & Top 10s

BigShort's Dashboard offers Top 10 lists of tickers by NOFA, SmartFlow, Short Exempt, and Manipulation to help traders spot opportunities.

Matt Peters avatar
Written by Matt Peters
Updated over a week ago

Dashboard Overview

The Dashboard tab on BigShort displays a set of Top 10 lists that traders can use to quickly orient themselves during the trading day.

Left Column

The left column displays the 10 tickers with the largest positive Net Options Flow Accumulation (NOFA) that day and the 10 tickers with largest negative NOFA. This quick glance at tickers with significant action can help traders start their research into potential trading opportunities and save significant time searching through your favorite tickers.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Each ticker is clickable and will take you directly to the SmartFlow tab for that ticker so you can dive in to further analysis.

Center Column

The center column displays the 10 tickers with the largest positive SmartFlow (SF) that day and the 10 tickers with largest negative SF. Each ticker is also clickable.

Right Column

The right column can be set to the user's preference by clicking the gear in the upper right corner of each pane. There are two options.

Top 10 Short Exempt

The top list shows the 10 tickers with the highest short exempt activity, and exciting new indicator that can help traders predict imminent run ups. The tickers are ranked by the ratio of Short Exempt to Shares Outstanding.

The bottom list shows the 10 tickers with the highest short exempt activity over the preceding 10 trading days. This gives traders a quick view on extended short exempt activity and helps identify newcomers to the upper list.

Top 10 Manipulation

Using the gear icon, users can switch to view the top 10 tickers by their amount of manipulation in the positive direction (upper list) or negative direction (lower list).

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