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SmartFlow Tab

An overview of the data and indicators available on BigShort's SmartFlow tab

Matt Peters avatar
Written by Matt Peters
Updated over a week ago

πŸ’‘Tip: As stated in our New User Guide, we recommend that new users start in the SF Segregated Tab, not here in the SmartFlow tab.

1. Date & Ticker

In the upper left you can select any ticker on the NASDAQ or NYSE and the date you want to view. It will default to today's date.

This area also shows the current price information for the selected ticker.

2. SmartFlow, MomoFlow, and Manipulation Highlights

If you are looking at today, these three gears show the current SF, MF, and Manipulation accumulation tallies. This gives a quick-glance readout of the action of the day.

3. Chart Timeframes

These buttons allow you to switch between a 5min candle chart (default) and other times based on your needs. You can also turn a one week historical view for broader context.

4. Chart Controls

These buttons provide various additional info and chart tools.

  1. Zoom: hides everything other than the charts

  2. Line Tool: add a draggable, resizable line to the chart

  3. Chart Settings: an assortment of settings and customizations to tailor the chart to your needs

  4. Option Details: slides in a column on the right of the screen that exposes the OptionFlow data for that ticker without having to navigate to the OptionFlow tab

πŸ’‘ Tip: On days where a massive NOF spike has skewed the scale of the Net Options Flow chart so much that it's impossible to read the chart well, you can experiment with turning on NOF Zoom in the chart settings. This rescales the NOF chart area and makes things easier to see. But be careful and make sure to mouse over and read the true values of the hills and bars in the tooltip when you have NOF Zoom turned on, or else you might confuse small spikes for large ones.

5. Candlestick Chart

The largest and most important pane in the chart area. Here you can see the price candlesticks and dark pools, alone with other indicators like SMA and Bollinger Bands if you have enabled them in your chart settings.

6. SmartFlow (SF) & MomoFlow (MF)

This displays the SF and MF data. For a deep dive on the SF and MF indicators, click here.

The colors coding in this chart are:

  1. Dark Green Bar: SmartFlow is buying and MomoFlow is selling

  2. Light Green Bar: SmartFlow is buying and MomoFlow is also buying

  3. Red Bar: SmartFlow is selling and MomoFlow is buying

  4. Pink Bar: SmartFlow is selling and MomoFlow is also selling

  5. Green Line: accumulation of SmartFlow

  6. Red Line: accumulation of MomoFlow

7. Manipulation

This chart shows the Manipulation and MM Price Discovery data.

8. Net Options Flow

The Net Options Flow (NOF) chart visualizes real-time sentiment in the options market by tracking net call and put premiums, unusual activity, and daily cumulative flow. By differentiating between buying (upward) and selling (downward) activity, the chart provides actionable insights into market trends and potential reversals. For more information on this indicator, click here.

9. Time Scaling

This slider allows you to adjust the start and/or end time of the current chart, effectively zooming in or out.

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